Discerning Together

A message from Pastor Kirstin and Deacon Troy: 

God has a calling for all of us, both individually and as a group. Hearing God’s call happens through the work of discernment. In discernment we listen to God, one another and our community and then act on what we hear. Discernment is given to us by God in the spiritual practices that strengthen our capacity to recognize and respond to God’s call. 

During the call process, our ministry transition team recognized the importance of discernment and decided that the people of Good Sam will support this ministry by choosing to …”commit to engaging in at least one study or prayer activity with the goal of deepening their spiritual life.” 

Our hope is that this commitment be focused on the work of discernment and faith formation. Faith formation includes study and prayer but also incorporates other interactive spiritual practices. Together we will listen to God, discern who we are, and what God is calling us to do. 

“We Are…” Faith Formation Series 

Wednesdays at 10am or 7pm 

This series uses the spiritual practices of study and personal reflection to help us grow as God’s people called to be a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You are invited to join at any time. There is no requirement that you have been a part of previous sessions. 

Last week we considered that “We are Lutheran” and heard that God’s grace is FREELY given through our faith in the promise of Jesus. We learned that the Lutheran church is a worldwide, diverse movement. We learned that JESUS and the CROSS are at the center of our Lutheran understanding of how God gets things done: It is through weakness and death that God saves us. The apostle Paul calls this the “foolishness” of the message of the cross. 

This week we consider that “We are church together.”

Next week we will conclude the series with, “We are church for the sake of the world.”