Holy Week at Good Sam in the Time of Pandemic

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Thanks to all who joined us for Palm Sunday on Zoom.  We had over 40 connections, representing almost 100 people.  We gathered, prayed and heard the story of the Passion of Jesus (his arrest, trial and crucifixion).  We hope you will join us for Triduum events this Holy Week. “Triduum” means “the three days.” It included Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Vigil of Easter.  Below is a description of each of the three days and what we will be doing over Zoom to gather and celebrate these Holy Week Events.


“Maundy” is Latin for “Commandment.”  Thursday in Holy Week is called Maundy Thursday because we remember a new commandment that Jesus gives his disciples in the upper room on the night in which he would be betrayed and arrested.  Commandment Thursday for Jesus and his followers takes place in a large upper room, somewhere in Jerusalem. His Disciples are gathering and preparing to celebrate the Passover Meal. This is when Jewish families celebrate and remember being liberated from the bondage and oppression they experienced in Egypt.  

At the Passover Meal, Jesus has a final lesson for his disciples:  He washes their feet. This is a sensitive and unexpected moment for them all, especially Peter.  Jesus teaches them that if he, their Lord and master can wash their feet, they also are to be about serving one another in the same way.  Jesus said, “As I have loved you, so also you are to love one another.” This is the New Commandment.

On Thursday Night of this week, we will begin the Triduum with gathering and telling stories of washing.  Come and share your stories of washing other peoples’: cars, dishes, hair, feet, hearts and more. We will hear the story of that night at the table before Jesus is betrayed and arrested.  We pray and ask God’s Passover, that is, we will ask that death may pass over ourselves and our community in this time of isolation and pandemic. We will also renew our call to love others as Jesus loves us.  Please join us on Zoom this Thursday Evening at 7 pm.   Look for the Zoom and Password link below in this Connections article.


We say that “Holy” is anything set aside for God’s activity.  A Holy Day is “A day set aside for God to act.”  That would indeed, be a Holy Day. We also call Holy Friday “Good Friday, ”but it is good only in the sense that in the events of Holy Friday and the suffering of Jesus, God acts for the good of all humanity.  It is good that the effect of that good work will resound through human history. It is Holy Work if it is set aside for God’s use.

On Holy Friday we will gather and talk about the suffering we see around us today.  There are people around us taking significant risks and working long hours in this time of pandemic.  We will hear the story of the arrest, betrayal, trial and crucifixion of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of John.  We will talk together about what good has come about because of this act of suffering.  Join us on this Holy Friday Evening at 7 pm on Zoom for a time of storytelling and reflection.

HOLY SATURDAY (Vigil of Easter)

The Apostles’ Creed says that Jesus descended into the dead.  He died on a Friday just before Passover began (dusk) and was buried and in death all of Saturday.  Sitting in the darkness of that death, the people of God have long gathered on the Vigil of Easter to tell the stories of Holy History.  They have gathered to recount how God made the world, how Noah and his family were saved from the flood, how Abraham and Sarah were called to their journey of faith and to be a blessing to all peoples.  There are 12 traditional readings that are read or acted out on the Vigil of Easter. I will send a list of those lessons out on a special email so that family can be family, as you are able, and you can read and reflect on the acts of God through Salvation History.  On Holy Saturday, we will not have a Zoom gathering, but will invite you to gather in family groups to read and share the stories of God’s working in history with the people of God.


This Sunday is Easter Sunday.  It is a surprising day of new life.  Not just new life for Jesus, for with it comes the beginnings of new life for us now and new life with God forever.  Join us on Sunday, April 12th for a 9 am Zoom celebration of Easter Sunday.