Good Sam Pastoral Transition News

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Dear Good Sam Community,

Metro DC Synod and Good Samaritan’s Church Council has called Rev. Elijah Mwitanti to serve as Intentional Interim Pastor while we search for a new permanent pastor. Pastor Elijah will officiate worship on April 26, and officially start work as Good Samaritan’s Interim Pastor on May 1.

Council has also appointed a Transition Team (apart from the Council and different from a Call Committee) to assist in the formation of the relationship between Pastor Elijah and Good Sam. The Transition Team includes Melanie Dafler, Joan Foust, Diane Hay, Jayme Schmidt and John Scheffler. We are excited about the opportunity to help the congregation explore why Good Sam exists, and what we collectively believe God has given us as our purpose and mission at this time, in this place. The Transition Team will assist with analysis and process, and serve as a liaison between the congregation and Pastor Elijah. Responsibilities of the Transition Team include:

  • Advising Pastor Elijah on questions about the congregation (culture, traditions, etc.).
  • Relating to the congregation to help create strong, trusting relationships.
  • Meeting with congregation members and the Congregation Council to help prepare and determine readiness for forming a Call Committee.
  • Assembling the Ministry Site Profile (MSP), which is a description of the congregation’s mission and leadership needs, along with the gifts for ministry and associated search criteria for our new called pastor.

The Transition Team has begun exploring the types of information required to complete the MSP. Over the next few months, we will be asking the congregation to actively participate in reviewing and ensuring the information in the MSP represents Good Samaritan well and faithfully to prospective call candidates. Please watch for information about various events and conversations that will help us define who and what Good Samaritan is, and to express those themes well – to ourselves, to everyone we meet along our faith journeys, and especially to the pastor God has in mind for us that we haven’t yet met. Some of the questions we’ll be exploring include:

  • What does Good Samaritan clearly do well?
  • What ministry activities bring out the best in us and seem to be valued by others?
  • What does Good Sam’s neighborhood really need right now, and how are we helping to meet those needs?

This time of transition will provide the chance for us to explore where the Holy Spirit is leading us. We will have the chance to explore new and different things, and to embrace change for good. Your inputs are very important!

We know that God is faithful, and has blessed us on our way as a church thus far. Please pray, pray, pray that God will bless our discernment process and continue to lead us into the next chapter of our life together at Good Samaritan.

Good Samaritan’s Transition Team