Carrying The Baton

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Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely,[a] and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…   Hebrews 12:1-2  

Sunday November 3rd is All Saints Sunday, and though we will be celebrating Consecration Sunday I wanted to invite you to reflect and remember how we have come to the faith that is in us.

How was faith formed in you?  Do you remember wanting it and wondering about it?  I know those in whom I first saw faith living… oh how I wanted what they had.  Don’t get me wrong… they weren’t perfect people. One had marriage troubles; one was a gangly college student who found her gifts in being an RA in a dorm.  One was so busy being “up and coming” he didn’t have much time to invest in people; still another was an anxious over-achiever. But still… they had thriving faith that you could feel and see – it would open your heart and your imagination about life in Christ.

My road to faith has been a slow and hard won path.  I would not have made it without fallible people like these saints who touched my life with their love and trust of God, their walk with Jesus and their confidence in the love and mercy that are God’s alone.

Whose life and faith have touched your life with the fingerprints of God’s love for us by their faith and confidence in God?  What was it they did that had such an impact on you? How did it happen?

This Sunday, (or any Sunday in November) I invite you to bring their names with you to worship.  Look for the scroll (butcher paper) on the wall in the Sanctuary and write their names as a prayer and as a testament to God’s faithfulness through their lives. 

And one last question:  Can you focus your faith and habits of living with others in a way that can inspire hope and journeying in faith in the lives and hearts of another?  Hold up in prayer those whom you hope to touch in this way. Let it be a beautiful aroma to the Lord! It is a great way to run the race.

 Pastor Mitch