Faith into Action — 2015 Activities Brochure Now Available

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IMG_20140925_115323What does it mean to you to put your faith into action? When we install people into positions of leadership and responsibility in the church, the response they give is, “Yes, and I ask God to guide and direct me.” What if we did the same every day? Try it. While you are standing at the bathroom sink tomorrow morning, tell God you are His servant and ask that He guide and direct you for the day.

Some of the ways that you might put your faith into action here at Good Sam are listed in our Activities and Events Catalog. We use it each year as part of our stewardship program as a menu of possible ministries you can get involved with and for visitors to see what ministries are available for them or their children. Take this week to review that catalog. Copies are available in the narthex entryway, along with a Faith in Action form for you to fill out. A leader will follow up with you to give you more information about the ministries you’re interested in, as well as help lead you to a decision about whether that is a place you can put your faith into action.

–Dennis A.