“Notice the feeling” – Note from Bishop Graham

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Pastor Mitch received this note/letter from Bishop Graham earlier this week and wanted to share it with all of Good Sam. With permission, we posted part of it here. May it speak to you during this season of Lent. Blessings!

From the Bishop’s desk: Notice the feeling

by Bishop Graham

Dear friends*,

Lent is an intense season of the church year for most of us, the time when we’re called to be most thoughtful. Lent is the time when we’re most likely to examine ourselves and renew what we call our “spiritual practices.”

Like many of you, I have tried all sorts of Lenten spiritual practices through the years. Things have worked best when my spiritual practices have been physical practices, too. Things have worked best when I’ve had other people alongside me.

This year I will make a genuine effort to fast, and I’m asking you to join me. I don’t mean giving up chocolate or ice cream. I mean really going without food altogether for a while.

The Bishop’s note continues here…

The Rev. Richard H. Graham
Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

* The original version of this message was distributed to rostered leaders of the synod on 3/2/14.