Adult Forum, January 19 — Building Connections That Make a Difference

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Adult Forum on January 19:

Building Connections That Make a Difference

(Living our faith, engaged with our neighbors)

By Mandy R. and Pastor Mitch

Join us for a community discussion about being in ministry through personally engaging those around us — January 19 at 10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.

The greatest challenge of faith in these days is to move from our own private and personal devotional world into living, listening, and caring for others. Sometimes we call this living our faith, but we forget the objective–connecting with our neighbors and making meaningful connections. During our 2013 fall focus of “One to Another in Christ,” we explored why the work of being in Christ is also about the work of being connected to the world around us. How do we help ourselves do the good Samaritan work of recognizing the neighbor when the priest and Levite have other concerns?

hand to hand

There are so many ways to stop and notice those around us. How do you show interest or make an invitation to someone just outside your comfort zone? Building networks for connection and care through our life here at Good Sam is really what we are called to be about. We are Good Samaritans after all. This is always the work of disciples of Jesus.

We will discuss learning about and engaging those just on the periphery of our awareness. We will explore new opportunities for noticing people we see but don’t know. We will look at conversation possibilities in Fellowship, social media, and By The Way, as well as other new opportunities at church. Come let us be Good Samaritans together.