Faith and Belief are a Conversation

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Reflecting on Worship from  February 24th, 2013

(taking the message with you)

Every day I engage in creating hope and trust and belief between my daughter and myself.  Most of the time I shape what I say and what I do in order to establish and sustain her hope, belief and trust in me.

I already know, somewhere along the way I will let her down.  Somewhere I willwalk by faith fail to do what is expected or perhaps needed by this one whom I love. I just hope that I can develop a track record long enough and persistent enough that she might see my failure and still have no doubt in my love and care and passion for her as a person.

Yes, I live in this hope.  In fact, I can’t seem to help having it.  I seem to have to keep doing this “building faith” with her even though I know I will fail at it somewhere and somehow.  I can’t stop this activity any more than I can stop loving her.  It is a conversation I have with myself and a conversation I am having with her.

I guess my “hope in God” is a conversation too.  I’m looking to know and better understand what God promises to me and looking to have enough confidence in God’s intention to bring those promises about that even when it appears that they have failed or been delayed I will have enough reason to hope.  I hope to keep that conversation active enough that even when the waves are high and the challenges deep, I will have no doubt in what God promises and all confidence in their coming true.

How are your conversations in faith going these days, with God and with one another?  What can you do today that will work toward building up and sustaining this vital connection we share with each other and with God?

Walking by Faith,

Pastor Mitch