God Sometimes Comes with a New Face

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Reflecting on Worship January 6th

(Taking the message with you)

Strangers from Afar
Strangers from Afar

Have any strangers come through your life recently?  Have any brought news of hope and encouragement that surprised you?  In this day and age, we do need to be alert and wary of those who would harm or steal.  But sometimes God comes through our lives in the form of a stranger.  The Magi came through Bethlehem with a perspective and a view to what had happened that surprised those who were with the child.  These travelers journeyed long with a persistent eye toward a light in the heavens.  They brought gifts but also made many wonder about the significance of this child.  Sometimes God comes to us through those who are new to us.

Lives of faith will always engage in the struggle of the encounter with the stranger.  It was the Good Samaritan who stopped to help the stranger beaten in the ditch (Luke 10).  It was the three visitors who brought God’s presence to Abraham by the trees of Mamre (Gen 18). Perhaps in an occasional stranger passing through our lives, God will reach out and come near to us.  This manifestation of God often comes to us new, unexpected and as though from afar or through a stranger.

To really engage God’s full presence in our lives, let us prepare ourselves to see and welcome those whom we have yet to meet, who show interest in knowing the light of Christ.  Perhaps they are messengers of God.   AMEN

Pastor Mitch