Freedom and Music: They both resound and stir us to life

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I had a music teacher once who said, “play it like this…” and then he played it. When it my my turn the music didn’t come out quite like I heard it in my head or like my teacher had shown me. “It does sound right when I play it” I said. “Well, you have to practice it to play it right.” said my teacher. I guess if it was simple we would all have beautiful music flow from our lives.

Knowing the good is one thing, doing the good is another. But it’s even more complicated then that. Knowing what the good is in some situations is quite difficult. Worse than that, the nature of evil is to pull us away from the good, to confuse the issue and to spread disinformation. If you haven’t read CS Lewis “Screwtape Letters,” it is worth the read.

Real freedom comes with the truth. But in a world of self deception and disinformation and down right evil misrepresentation it can be very difficult to see clearly what is really true and really good. Even the Law and laws in general don’t really get us to behaving in true and right ways.
I just don’t seem to drive right at the speed limit if I can get away with 9 miles/hour faster.

Into this world, Jesus, comes with a vision and a hold on what is true and right in a way that the world doesn’t have. Those who sustain their connection with Jesus have a view to what is true and right that sometimes convicts us but always has the power to free us and to restore us to the good that God has always intended us to have.

It’s hard to give freedom to those who don’t know they need it, or don’t know they don’t have it.
Perhaps this is a good description of why the Word of Life that comes with Jesus is so important to keep near us.

What is true and good always does come from God to those who are open and hungry to receive it. It comes as beautiful music to our ears and resounds in our hearts. Always the true and good come to us as stirring hope. How we can stay near to this font of life and hope that comes with Jesus is alway the question. Sometimes, it even flows from our lives before we realize it. Welcome to the ongoing life of the reformation. Embrace it!

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